so, yesterday was my cousins 8th anniversary. we're all in washington dc this week and i thought i'd show you in pictures how
kirsten and i spent HER anniversary...
we first ran into obama...kirsten appears to be getting sucked into the "obama nation"...but she actually just didn't want to die.

i, on the otherhand, had some choice words for the obamanator.

we got some lunch and did some fun downtown shopping...

kirsten was doing some "simplygrovesque" shopping at West Elm while i got bored and read...

we stopped at starbucks for the third time...kirsten got yelled at by the barista. oops...they don't like it when you make ANY modifications to your drink.

we then spent the evening enjoying the various monuments and tourist spots of dc...

we gave some honor...where honor was due.

then Evangeline caught up with us and apparently wanted to eat kirsten's delicious hair...

good times celebrating Kirsten and Shane's Anniversary...hey guys, wanna do it again next year?! ;)
Shane was there too...